What it means

Organisational culture is
the way we do things around here.

It encompasses the values, beliefs and behaviours that shape your unique internal ethos. Culture drives your organisation, in both good and bad times. The importance of culture is most visible in times of transition. For instance, when external forces impact your ways of working, your business model is evolving, or you are going through a merger.

Our Job Is to Help You Build Your Desired Company Culture

  1. Understand what drives your culture

    We help you discover the world around you

    • Analysis of the historical, societal, cultural, environmental, technological contexts in which the company operates.
    • Analysis of the company’s fabric of values.
  2. Work on the Individual Drivers

    We help you see near

    • Analysis of the existing company culture – the surprising truth about what motivates your people and what frustrates them.
    • MOTi research results to take the pulse of individual motivation.
  3. Create the Culture Strategy

    We allow you to become strategic

    • Company culture workshops (traditional, virtual and hybrid events)
    • Company culture strategy with clear milestones
    • Communications and implementation plan
  4. Bring the Culture Strategy Alive

    We allow you to act upon the strategy

    • Culture strategy launch (traditional, virtual and hybrid events)
    • Keynote speeches and speech writing
    • Company specific activities that bring the company culture strategy alive
  5. Evaluate the evolving Culture

    We help you improve continuously

    • Performance and insights reports – monitoring the impact of activities
    • Culture pulse – evaluating ongoing sentiments of the people
    • Trainings to further develop company culture

Did You Know?

Only 28% of executives report that they understand their organisation’s culture, and only 12% believe their companies are driving the right culture.


Challenges today

The surge of digital and remote work poses additional challenges to organisational culture. In the absence of a shared physical setting, maintaining and developing a culture that is driven and energised becomes ever more important. Besides an internal ethos, culture manifests itself outside an organisation. As walls have disappeared, a lot of what happens inside the organisation shines through to external audiences.

How to tackle them

We help you gain insight on how your culture is doing today, reveal what really motivates your people, and help you develop your unique culture accordingly. Our work is based on sociology, psychology, anthropology and art, combined with our hands-on experience as business leaders.

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