Arvioitu lukuaika: 8 minuuttia Brändi on yrityksen asiakkaiden, yhteistyökumppaneiden ja työntekijöiden yritykseen liittämien mielikuvien summa. Brändistrategiatyöhön ryhtyessämme käymme usein koko… Read more »
"We had a great experience working with the Co-founders team on repositioning our sustainability work to the broader concept of Impact. They were able to distill a broad range of inputs and feedback from a diverse set of stakeholders into a compelling and engaging narrative. "
When we launched the new positioning at our global summit, it resonated strongly with our community, and we have been able to build significant momentum for our work ever since.
Andrew Bryson, Chief Impact & Innovation Officer, The Family Business Network International
"Co-founders stands out by challenging leadership perspectives, fostering trust and enabling us to grow as a company. Their ability to engage all levels of the organization from owners to the employees has driven real transformation."
The team at Co-founders proved to be instrumental in this transition by challenging our perspective, facilitating a big picture understanding at board level, as well as connecting our Halme brand with our internal working culture.
Stefan Åsten, CEO, Halmeen Leipomo
"Co-founders’ invaluable expertise in company culture and change management, along with their ability to facilitate and drive in a highly involving manner, played a crucial role in the implementation and success of our company-wide change project enabling us to shape and develop the identity of our entire company."
Co-founders’ positive yet challenging approach helped us to infuse the essential and focus on that. We truly have enjoyed the ride we together started.
Hannu Honkala, Chief Commercial Officer, Mylab
"Co-founders' professional and holistic approach to company culture and brand management is unique in Finland. As an entrepreneur and business leader, I am delighted by Co-founders' genuine interest in our company's business objectives and values."
“Co-founders’ professional and holistic approach to company culture and brand management is unique in Finland. As an entrepreneur and business leader, I am delighted by Co-founders’ genuine interest in our company’s business objectives and values. Co-founders boldly challenged us, Famifarmers.”
Caroline Grotenfelt, CEO, Famifarm
"We’ve been aware of Co-founders and we know that they have the skillset of almost McKinsey or Boston Consulting, but then they also have their feet on the ground, and they can work with our type of people and with the core members within the company – and that’s why we chose Co-founders."
“We chose Co-founders as a partner in order to speed up the transition from having an engineering mindset to an end-customer mindset. We wanted to achieve this change in a systematic manner.
What I like about Co-founders is that they combine the top consultancies’ skillset with the ability to be close to the customer. Their approach is tailor-made. They really fine-tune the process. I witnessed an extremely good systematic approach throughout the project.
On top of that, Co-founders really took our core team members on board, and that made the execution much easier. The Co-founders team is very international, and they are very skilfull and experienced in their work.”
Tapio Pajuharju, CEO, Harvia
"Dabbling on the brand core of a business that has half a century of legacy to contend with, can be a delicate thing. I thoroughly appreciated the way the team at Co-founders ran us through the process of crystallising our thoughts in a manner that was respectful to our roots and open to our future."
“The complexity of this work where brand promise has evolved from our technical past to currently offering progressive, multisensory value, with layers of visual identity modifications under our belt, was expertly handled and iterations patiently done until we felt that the brandbook precisely conveyed what we intuitively felt to be true about our brand. I could not be more satisfied with the end result.”
Annika Jyllilä-Vertigans, CEO, Vieser, Owner and Entrepreneur at Paree Group
"Co-founders is a company that listens carefully and respects the culture that you have. They have this sense of giving time and space for others. "
“The starting point was when our CEO Siamäk Naghian read about Co-founders from an article in Helsingin Sanomat. After this, we thought we should contact them and have a discussion. We started a process of searching together and we had very good conversations with this true, genuine wish to understand each other – and this is something that is rare.
What differentiates Co-founders is their ability to really listen. They have a humble attitude that shows that they know what they are doing, they have lots of knowledge, they have educated themselves and know what they are talking about, but they don’t let that make them proud in a wrong way. I think it’s a big thing that they have that kind of attitude and it’s part of their culture, it’s the way they do things.
Working with Co-founders has been a smooth process. Whatever issues might have arisen, there’s always been this sense of calm, and always suggesting new avenues. We never reached a dead end, but rather, a feeling that this is a process, we do it together and we see where it ends.”
Maria Martikainen, Co-owner and Enterprise Culture Developer, Genelec
"Co-founders’ work combines the understanding of the big, strategic picture, with the grassroots, human insights gathered from our customers. The transcribed interviews, and the insights we gained from them, were extremely valuable in themselves."
“What drew us to Co-founders, was the ability to combine strategic thinking with hands-on doing. At the same time, they were external enough yet understood our business deeply, which was extremely beneficial to us. Their expertise and willingness to help and facilitate, to get the best out of our team.
Co-founders’ work combines the understanding of the big, strategic picture, with the grassroots, human insights gathered from our customers. The transcribed interviews, and the insights we gained from them, were extremely valuable in themselves.
I feel that we have truly worked together with Co-founders as a combined team, and not as external consultants advising an internal client team. They have become a real extension of our team.”
Petri Aaltonen, CEO, Encore
"Co-founders is a unique consultancy in the way they combine their understanding and expertise of brand and culture. We couldn’t have had an agency that only understands brands or only understands company culture."
“Co-founders really has their finger on the pulse of societal and cultural issues. They can dig deep for human insights and find creative and efficient ways to communicate them in order to create distinctive and relevant brands on a societal level.
Co-founders is a unique consultancy in the way they combine their understanding and expertise of brand and culture. For an organization like us, where the most important brand interactions are the everyday human interactions that our employees have with our customers and partners, we couldn’t have had an agency that only understands brands or only understands company culture.
The concept of a renewed brand process and brand story convinced me to choose Co-founders. Furthermore, working with Co-founders is not only creative and effective, but also great fun.”
Leena Hallamaa, Director, Communications & Customer Relations, Live
"I believe that this whole process we have made together has helped people to find the growth angle of this big strategic move. So, I would say yes, I believe the signs of the culture change are there already."
“Yes, I would definitely recommend Co-founders. They have a very positive drive overall and a very brave and experimental approach – which made for a fascinating project together.
What differentiates Co-founders is the combination between art and company culture. It was almost mind-blowing to get to work with the writer Riikka Ala-Harja on the short story inspired by Ensto’s culture and to gather our key people around the same topic when interpreting it. I believe it was an eye-opening process and it gave a tool for our people to talk about Ensto’s culture and about the points that might need further development.
I think people found some support through this work, and it made them more positive towards the very big strategic change that we had during the past year, when we divested almost half of the company. It helped people to see a growth opportunity in this change, rather than take a negative approach on the fact that we became smaller.”
Hannu Keinänen, CEO, Ensto
"The strategy work went very well. The professional team at Co-founders managed to engage both our board and our entire management team, which was essential for the success of the process. The work proceeded in a timely and logical manner, leading to a clear plan that is now in the implementation phase."
“We started working with Co-founders to create a new strategy for our company. Their expertise and deep understanding of our industry and our company convinced us already in the first meeting. This provided a strong foundation for our partnership.
The strategy work went very well. The professional team at Co-founders managed to engage both our board and our entire management team, which was essential for the success of the process. The work proceeded in a timely and logical manner, leading to a clear plan that is now in the implementation phase.
Convinced of the results of the Co-founders’ work, we have decided to continue working together on the rebranding of Pomar. Co-founders’ in-depth knowledge of us and the market makes them the ideal partner for this task.
I highly recommend Co-founders to any company that needs a reliable and professional partner for its strategy work. Co-founders’ ability to understand and integrate our company’s values and objectives into our strategy is second to none.”
Jarno Fonsen, CEO, Owner, Pomarfin
"I believe this is a format that companies with a strong engineering or technical DNA should use much more, as they sometimes seem to forget the Why questions and the Who questions. This work will not only result in the deeper re-thinking of the way that LEDiL see themselves as a company, but also to the way that they in the future will present themselves to the whole business ecosystem."
“I didn’t know Co-founders from before the work with LEDiL but working with them gave me a very good impression of their capabilities and I must say that it was a professional experience, providing us with the needed results and materials. It was an excellent brand strategy work and a process that I enjoyed a lot. It is a sensitive thing to work around a strong and successful company’s identity and strategy, putting words on things that are taken for granted.
I experienced Co-founders having a good drive and enthusiasm in all of our meetings, where they also succeeded in gaining everybody’s trust. The work done is the baseline for developing and positioning the LEDiL brand, giving the company a strong frame for how to communicate, differentiate and be relevant in the market in the future.
I especially appreciated the workshop format that Co-founders used. Formal meeting structures are not always suitable for facilitating qualitative development. The workshop was in this case a well-chosen key to promote cooperation, getting a more holistic understanding from all those involved. I feel that everybody in the group got the opportunity for dialogue and reflection that resulted in a better cooperation.”
Allan Ruberg, Board member, LEDiL
"I think that Co-founders have a very strong understanding of Walki and our business logic. Through their work, they have become an extension of our team. Co-founders have really helped me and our team to understand how to lead and develop a brand in a deep and professional way."
“What differentiates Co-founders is their holistic view and very deep approach to branding and concept creation. They have also good understanding of how to improve company culture. Their thinking is new, challenging and very professional.
If I were to recommend Co-founders, I would say just this: I don’t think you will find this kind of in-depth view on branding, company culture, future trends from another consultancy. I think they don’t have much competition at the end of the day.”
Leif Frilund, President and CEO, Walki Group
"I’ve been extremely happy with their ‘outside the box’ way of thinking about our challenge and taking into account all of our stakeholders in the solution. So that it all becomes about more than marketing, a genuine desire to understand and solve the pain points with the customer and other stakeholders."
“Co-founders was asked to develop a concept that helps us to increase the attractiveness of the whole land surveying-field in the eyes of the young.
The strength of Co-founders as a partner lies in their ability to in a very holistic way understand different actors in our society. It was very inspiring to work with them and they really managed to get the whole team on board. By co-creating together, we managed to come up with some quite surprising solutions that we then developed further to concrete and scheduled actions.
Agility, a strategic mindset, and an understanding of how our society works and recognising the needs of our stakeholders are clearly some of Co-founders´ core strengths. ”
Matti Hyytinen, Financial and Administrative Director, National Land Survey of Finland
"Definitely, if you need strategic brand competence and competence in concept development with very high focus on business, then I would definitely recommend Co-founders as a very good partner in this kind of work."
“We had a strategic decision at Hoivatilat to expand our scope into larger projects – service environments, or service communities as we call them, and we needed help in that work. We wanted someone who could challenge our thinking and bring in new ideas, and that was the reason why I approached Co-founders.
I didn’t have to have a very precise question or task to give, but we actually formulated a project together. We had some ideas of where we wanted to go, but how to do the project – there Co-founders helped us a lot. To me, that defines strategic work. With strategic work you don’t have the plan ready, but instead you work on it together.
Co-founders provided us with innovative and fresh thinking in our work and with a very fast and ambitious approach in our business area – which they learned really quickly. That is what makes Co-founders different – the speed and the ability to learn a new business and its environment. The very high business focus, the fresh approach and the customer focus were clearly added values when working with Co-founders.”
Riku Patokoski, former Executive Vice President, Hoivatilat