This is an additional Q&A session for the Artful Leaders in Times of Transition event hosted on 26 January 2021. Together with two of our guest speakers, Jennifer Howard-Grenville and Alastair Creamer, we respond to the following questions:
– To what extent does national culture affect company culture?
– How do we make the best of our collaborations when working with organisations that have different cultures than our own?
– How long does cultural transformation take to implement and when can you expect the first signs of change?
– How does culture shift when everyone is working remotely and what should you pay attention to?
– What should you do when people in your team don’t “fit in”, for instance if their behaviour affects negatively the overall company culture?
Alexandra Marila, Strategist, Brand and Culture, Co-founders
Guest speakers
Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Diageo Professor in Organisation Studies, Cambridge Judge Business School
Alastair Creamer, Director, Creamer & Co.